Types of Psychotherapy

So far, there was only one type of psychotherapy, which was followed by all psychotherapeutic Schools: from the most orthodox to the most recent ones: the psychotherapy of feelings, whose main concern and focus were on people’s feelings. For centuries, we have used this paradigm of treating the feelings of the people who see us in our offices. As a result, we, psychotherapists, placed our attention in what we wanted the person to improve. 

We have always tried to help people improve their feelings, soften their pains, their sorrows, their anger, and their sense of rejection and criticism, wishing that after years and years, with sessions and more sessions of therapy, they would maybe evolve to a higher level of feelings. They would then free themselves and fly away to an ideal place, where the air is pure and where there would be a beautiful landscape with a wider horizon.

Indeed, with the diversity of therapies available, orthodox, modern, traditional and alternative ones, many people have improved their feelings; many have forgiven their oppressors, and many have relieved their emotional sorrows. The survivors could even claim that after years and years of therapy and dozens of sessions, they feel better. They also claim to be having a better life, living in a much more satisfactory way, working better, feeling lighter and happier, to have calmed down their hidden, igneous feelings, and finally to be better socializing with others, even with the people that had hurt them before.  So our mission as psychotherapists is accomplished, and we continue to perform our work, feeling that we are doing everything that is possible to treat our patients; in many cases, we manage to do it.

However, throughout this time our good intentions to cure people’s wounds and heal our own failed, for a very simple reason. The life story that people told us, and also our own life story, are not the real ones; they are fake stories created by a very superficial structure of our personalities: our personae. From childhood, “the persona” has read things and seen the reality around us the way it is capable of, with a superficial vision, a characteristic of its own superficiality, which seems real but it is not. The persona is an illusion we create about ourselves; consequently, our histories are “the illusions of illusions”. These unrealistic stories are the ones we have believed and they have been impregnated in our feelings. So, when we hold a psychotherapeutic treatment, these are the stories we tell our therapists, who also believes in their own illusory stories and, as a result, also believe in our own. Therefore, together we decide to improve the feelings that come along with them. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we don’t; in other words, we succeed or fail in doing it.

But even when we succeed and people’s feelings soften, calm down, and dissolve, we all fail to solve the core of the problem, because the illusory story remains the same, and it is dragged throughout the entire lifetime.  One day one dies, disincarnates and makes a transition to the spiritual world. Up there, gradually, this person starts remembering the actual story, which is always very different from the one he/she has believed in. Because the real story is the story of the Spirit and we all spend a lifetime believing in the stories of our personae. Even though the stories seemed to be so real, so consistent, they were actually superficial layers of deeper, much more ancient stories; the true stories, the ones that were concealed behind what we call "the illusion of the layer labels”.

More and more people in the western part of our planet have started to reintegrate the concept of reincarnation in their memories. Therefore, with the arrival of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, the concept of reincarnation, which once seemed to be only religious, is now part of the psychotherapist’s practice and has become a psychotherapeutic subject. With the introduction of the Reincarnation concept in the psychotherapist’s office, people’ stories began to be questioned. Despite being extremely hard to know our own true stories and the story of the people who come to seek this type of treatment, one thing is for sure: those stories, filled with grief, feelings of rejection, anger, criticism, indignation, are not the real stories of our Spirits, of those personas, and our personae. They are the stories that have been read by us from childhood, and continued to be read in the adolescence, adulthood and, in the vast majority of cases, until old age and the time of death.

Then, our spirits leave our dead bodies to ascend to the Spirit World where, little by little, they get rid of the labels and, consequently, of the personae. While all this happens, we realize we had spent a lifetime believing in something (the version of our lives), in a story that now begins to blur, until it disappears altogether! Down here on earth we were someone’s son or daughter, someone else’s father or mother, we had a name and a last name, a sexual gender, a skin color, and belonged to a race and a nationality. Gradually, in the Spiritual world, we no longer consider ourselves as being part of those labels, we lose them, as if we were in the process of peeling off the layers. At last, what emerges from that? An essence, a dynamic structure that has been called Spirit here on earth. In fact, it is ourselves, our true aspect, the one in which we can find our actual story, which is quite different from that so correct and coherent story we spent decades believing, a story that we told other people, our therapists, and we believed in it, and all other people believed as well.  Everyone spends an entire incarnation accepting stories as true, without realizing that these stories are created by the personae. These personae are temporary layers of temporary labels, which one day will succumb and gradually show the real story up there, in the releasing place.

Let’s set the theory aside for a moment, and move on to practice. When aggregating Reincarnation to psychotherapy, should we analyze our problems, dramas, and sufferings as originated from our childhoods or should we ask why we needed those childhoods? In other words, we can see the childhood as the beginning of life, the beginning of everything, the beginning of the development of feelings, and the creation of our history. We can also see it as a karmic structure, which is co-created by us and by the All (God), based on the Divine Laws of Necessity, Purpose, and Merit, keeping in mind that our childhoods are the continuation of our lives here on earth, which are interrupted at the end of our previous incarnations. Therefore, the stories that emerge from them are invariably ancient, which lie hidden within our unconscious minds. Dr. Freud wisely intuited that the Unconscious should be uncovered and studied. However, his followers did not tag along with him; but now he has started to be followed by us, the so-called "alternative," esoteric" and other not so friendly adjectives, who simply decided to obey the Viennese Master.

The Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, or reincarnation in action in the psychotherapeutic office, is a profound and transformative way to modify thought. It attempts to show that the story of one’s life, the one in which a person has always believed, and we all believe, is nothing more than a temporary story, whose structure is temporary and provisional too. It is the story of the persona, where the ego lies, which reads life from childhood only and believes it is real, but it is only a tiny fragment of a story that is far more ancient, more profound: one’s self story.

It is very challenging to heal a feeling that is aligned to an illusory version, but it is easy to cure any feelings when we help individuals free themselves from their earthly, short-sighted, and temporary visions that belong to their personae, their egos, and we help them find the version, the real one, of their Essences. We should put our feelings and the feelings of the people we treat aside and be aware of the thought, the vision of our life stories from childhood, because it is where we truthfully heal feelings. The illusory vision keeps feelings trapped, while freeing one from it and finding the real vision gradually eliminates feelings, through the understanding that comes from it. It is one thing to believe that we feel hurt by our father or our mother for something they did, another thing is to find out that our Spirit "asked" for that father or mother in an attempt to heal an old, centennial or millennial wound. To heal ourselves, we needed supporting elements in our paths, commonly called "villains" so such wounds would emerge within ourselves. In previous incarnations, we had most likely done something similar, or worse, to those spirits or others. Now the Universal Wisdom awards us with what is called Return, the opportunity for redemption and healing. Besides, it is of course a possibility for us to be meeting in an attempt of redemption between us and the current "villain", originated in another time when the "villain" used to be us.

This is the goal and purpose of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, to help people through conversations and regressions led by their mentors, as if it were the Big Screen of the spiritual world. Thus, individuals can understand the reasons why they reincarnated, why they created that childhood, why they “asked” to come, man or woman, rich or poor, the oldest, 2nd, 3rd, or the youngest child. Also, why they needed those father and mother, that race, that skin color, that religion, to incarnate in that country, and why everything that happened in their lives is what their spirits craved and needed, so that, by means of their free will, they can do one of two things: hit or miss.

The Reincarnationist Psychotherapy is a new way of facing and dealing with our evils, not as the old psychotherapies of feelings; instead, as a psychotherapy of thought. Questioning the vision and the version of our personas’ life stories, making them collapse through the issues that Reincarnation brings with it, and helping people find the correct vision of their stories, the vision of their essence, is the modus operandi of this spiritual therapy, the therapy of liberation, here on earth. So, when we get up there, back home, we will not be scared and ashamed when the Big Screen is shown to us.

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Psychotherapy ouve vozes quem e seus family

As pessoas que ouvem vozes, na imensa maioria das vezes, estão ouvindo mesmo, são vozes de Espíritos*, cuja presença pode ocorrer por algum tipo de afinidade (um parente ou amigo desencarnado, um companheiro de drogas, bebida, cigarro, um inimigo de vidas passadas, etc.), algumas vezes simplesmente para estar perto, mas mais geralmente com a finalidade de perturbá-las, prejudicá-las, motivados por situações de outras encarnações, em que foram suas vítimas ou companheiras. Nesse caso, ao encontrarem o algoz ou um antigo companheiro do passado, de aventura ou de alguma outra ação ou atividade, não enxergam essa pessoa com ela é hoje em dia e, sim, como era lá, e, permanecem daí em diante sintonizados com ela. O único poder que têm é o de entrar no seu pensamento e começarem a falar lá dentro, geralmente cobrando coisas do passado, ameaçando, dando maus conselhos, incentivando a realizar alguns procedimentos totalmente inexplicáveis para a própria pessoa e para quem convive com ela (o que chama-se de TOC), ter acessos de raiva, quebrar coisas, matar alguém ou matar-se, tirar a roupa, rir de maneira descontrolada, etc.

Esses casos, geralmente, são levados a tratamento psicológico ou psiquiátrico, mas a maioria dos psicólogos e dos psiquiatras não lidam com essa hipótese (obsessão espiritual) e o diagnóstico, invariavelmente, é de Esquizofrenia e é iniciado o que chama-se de Tratamento, mas não é um tratamento que promoverá a cura, primeiramente porque isso não é uma doença, e também por não atingir o foco do problema (a presença de um ou mais Espíritos) e, sim, apenas baixar a dopamina e a adrenalina e aumentar a serotonina, o que dá uma certa sensação de melhoria mas nunca traz a solução, que só poderá ser alcançada indo até esse (s) Espírito (s), em um trabalho de conscientização e/ou de desobsessão direta ou a distância, em um local apropriado para isso, gratuito.

O tratamento medicamentoso pode ser utilizado por um tempo, para a pessoa sentir-se um pouco melhor, enquanto é realizado esse procedimento, diretamente na origem da (s) voz (s) que a pessoa escuta, mas nunca pode ser “O Tratamento” pois é paliativo e superficial e tende a cronificar o quadro, como observa-se rotineiramente na prática psiquiátrica de consultório e de internação.

Mas além do efeito apenas paliativo dos medicamentos “anti-psicóticos” e suas centenas de efeitos colaterais (aqueles nomes complicados nas bulas), o ainda pior é o diagnóstico que aquele médium recebe, pois Esquizofrenia é uma maneira elegante de chamá-lo de louco, mas, apesar da elegância do termo, é assim que ele passa a considerar-se e ser considerado por sua família e círculo de amizades. E o “louco”, além de ouvir vozes que apenas ele ouve, que não consegue tirar de dentro de sua cabeça, que, geralmente, lhe atordoam dia e noite, que comandam seus pensamentos, não o deixam raciocinar, estudar, trabalhar, levar uma vida normal, tem de conviver com os efeitos colaterais dessas químicas (muitas vezes piores do que os sintomas originais), vive uma rotina de casa-consultório-internação em que os olhares de todos é de pena, de compaixão, pela sua “loucura”, pois ninguém acredita nele, o médico não acredita, seus familiares não acreditam, seus amigos não acreditam, ele está louco, diz que ouve vozes!, coitado, a vida acabou para ele, vai ter de tomar remédios a vida toda, vai ser internado de vez em quando, as consultas irão espaçar e serão cada vez de menor duração, para saber como está, ainda ouve vozes?, aumentar a dose, substituir por um “anti-psicótico” mais moderno, um hipnótico para dormir, um antidepressivo para não ficar tão mal, quem sabe um outro calmante para não ficar tão agitado?, e assim vai ser a vida do nosso “louco”, a dele e seu (s) companheiro (s) desencarnado (s).

Um dia pode ocorrer de um Tratamento verdadeiro, em um Centro Espírita ou Espiritualista ou um Templo ou Igreja, dar resultado com o encaminhamento do (s) seu (s) acompanhante (s) para o Mundo Espiritual e os medicamentos começarem a ser retirados, talvez, eliminados, e o nosso “louco” poderá, enfim, começar a levar uma vida mais ou menos normal, mas já se passaram muitos anos, está atrasado em relação à evolução natural da vida, ficou com a fama de “louco”, não pode rir mais alto, ou ter um ataque de raiva, não pode ficar no seu quarto por muito tempo, não pode usar um corte de cabelo não convencional, ou uma tatuagem meio estranha, ele é um “louco” – lembra que ouvia vozes? -, tomou remédio muito tempo, foi internado, fez Tratamento espiritual, coitado.

A “doença” acabou mas ficaram as sequelas do tempo perdido, ficou a fama na sua família e círculo de amizades (se é que ainda ficaram amizades…), ficou a insegurança familiar de que a “loucura” possa voltar, ficou a sua própria insegurança disso. E então pergunto: Por quê tudo isso? Por quê as pessoas não procuram diretamente um Tratamento que pode dar resultado, que vá direto na questão, no (s) Espírito (s) desencarnado (s) ao seu lado? Por quê anos e anos de utilização de medicamentos químicos, paliativos, que todos sabem que não resolvem, apenas desativam o cérebro, diminuem a atividade cerebral, que visam deixar a pessoa mais “calma”, mais “tranquila”, embora essa “calma e tranquilidade” nunca é referida pelas pessoas, que continuam com o (s) Espírito (s) ao seu lado, e agora, com o “tratamento” medicamentoso ficam ainda mais impossibilitadas de pensar, raciocinar, estudar, trabalhar, dedicando-se a ficar em casa, vegetando, dormindo, vendo televisão, no computador, indo na padaria buscar pão, coisas assim. Os Espíritos iniciam o processo de travá-las, bloqueá-las, os medicamentos químicos completam o serviço. Antigamente usava-se a lobotomia, cirúrgica, hoje ela é química.

Obviamente, se a pessoa que ouve vozes está ameaçando matar-se ou matar alguém, está demonstrando atitudes de risco para si ou para outras pessoas, ela deve ser medicada e, até, internada, mas, concomitantemente, deve ser iniciado um Tratamento diretamente no (s) Espírito (s) que lhe (s) influencia (m), frequentando um local espiritual que lide com isso, gratuitamente ou por um valor mínimo para cobrir as despesas do local, nada de pagar milhares de reais, pois isso já demonstra que a finalidade do local é enriquecer seus dirigentes.

O Tratamento espiritual pode ser realizado mesmo ela tomando medicamentos, isso não interfere no Tratamento, mas se ela não sai de casa, se recusa-se a ir, ou se está internada, uma outra pessoa pode ir por ela, servir de intermediária (“ponte”), fazer desobsessão a distância, que pode dar o mesmo resultado positivo ou, pelo menos, fazer com que ela melhore o suficiente para começar a ir ao local realizar o Tratamento desobsessivo.

Mas, enquanto o médium sem controle sobre sua mediunidade continua obsediado, ouvindo vozes, encolhendo-se com medo, sem saber o que fazer, sentindo-se dominado pelas vozes, acreditando que está louco, deve ser realizado, concomitantemente, um Tratamento psicoterápico adequado a esse tipo de situação, um Tratamento que vise:

1. Fazê-lo libertar-se do diagnóstico de Esquizofrenia e assumir o de médium sem controle de sua mediunidade

2. Mudar de atitude e entender que não é fraco e indefeso e pode conversar com o(s) Espírito (s) que está (ão) lhe influenciando

3. Convencê-lo a ir a um local especializado em Tratamento espiritual de desobsessão

4. Estimulá-lo a estudar, desenvolver e disciplinar sua mediunidade

5. Concordar em tomar ou manter os medicamentos psiquiátricos se for necessário, pelo tempo necessário, ou mesmo ser internado, se houver um risco para si ou para outras pessoas.

Vamos ver como é o Tratamento, passo a passo:

1. Diagnóstico de Esquizofrenia – esse é o ponto principal. A pessoa chega no consultório com o diagnóstico de Esquizofrenia e o principal ponto do nosso Tratamento é fazer com que mude esse rótulo (“louco”) pelo de “médium sem controle sobre sua mediunidade” e entender que está atravessando um momento de vida em que sua mediunidade está fora de controle e necessita aprender a controlá-la e utilizá-la a seu favor e não como uma brecha para Espíritos penetrarem em seu pensamento. Também seus familiares, que, enquanto nós nos encontramos geralmente 1x/semana, estão com ele diariamente, 24h/dia, necessitam entender isso e transmitir esse “diagnóstico” para os membros de sua família, amigos e conhecidos que estão sabendo do que está acontecendo. Se isso não for feito, não poderemos passar para o próximo passo. A Psiquiatria primitiva acreditava que tudo era obra dos Espíritos, a Psiquiatra científica decretou que tudo é desequilíbrio dos neurotransmissores, a Psiquiatria do futuro fará uma síntese entre ambas, mas no caso das pessoas que ouvem vozes voltará a predominar a Psiquiatria primitiva pois, nesse aspecto, é a mais correta.

2. A partir da mudança do diagnóstico, com a pessoa e seus familiares e amigos entendendo o que realmente está acontecendo, que essa pessoa que ouve vozes não é esquizofrênica e sim um médium sem controle sobre a sua mediunidade, o próximo passo é fazer com ela mude completamente de atitude, saia da situação passiva de ser subjugada pelo (s) Espírito (s), quer haja ou não uma má intenção sobre ela, para uma postura de controle da situação, de diálogo mental com esse (s) ser (s) desencarnado (s), de domínio sobre a circunstância e não mais de submissão, como se fosse um coitadinho, um indefeso, sair dessa aceitação passiva do que está acontecendo, como se fosse um impotente, como se não tivesse Mentores Espirituais, Guias, tantos Seres Espirituais superiores que podem resolver a situação se forem chamados, se forem contatados. Temos de despertar o Guerreiro interno dessa pessoa para que ela saia dessa passividade, desse medo, desse encolhimento, transferindo a solução dessa situação para o psiquiatra, para os medicamentos, para seu terapeuta, para o Centro Espírita ou Espiritualista, quando ela mesma, com a força do seu pensamento, com a ajuda dos Seres Espirituais superiores que lhe acompanham, poderia resolver essa questão. Mas, devido ao diagnóstico de “loucura” (Esquizofrenia), com ela, seus familiares e conhecidos acreditando que as vozes não são reais, são vozes imaginárias, que isso é doença, a pessoa sente-se um doente, sente-se fraca, não crê que tem força para reverter isso, todos acreditam que não tem solução, que terá de passar o resto de sua vida tratando essa “doença”, tomando “anti-psicóticos”, sendo internada de vez em quando, e então o nosso pobre médium fica sem saída e, provavelmente, a sua vida será assim até o final ou até que vá a um Centro Espírita ou Espiritualista buscar uma solução ou alguém vá por ele ou seus Mentores resolvam assumir o caso e encaminhar o (s) Espírito (s) que lhe acompanha (m) para o Mundo Espiritual, pondo fim à situação.

3. A solução para quem ouve vozes está, então, em um Centro ou Igreja ou Templo mas, geralmente, é muito difícil que a pessoa vá a um desses locais, porque o (s) Espírito (s) que lhe acompanha (m) não permite (m), pois não quer (em) que a situação seja resolvida, e, como está (ão) dominando seus pensamentos, interfere (m) na sua vontade de ir, convencendo-a a não ir, provoca (m) um incremento do seu mal estar, uma forte dor de cabeça, um aumento súbito da depressão, da angústia, do desânimo, ou uma ideia repentina de que não irá adiantar nada, que isso é bobagem, não vale a pena ir, melhor ficar em casa, e o mesmo, muitas vezes, ocorre com os familiares que iriam lhe acompanhar. É importante que o psicoterapeuta dê um destaque para essa influenciação contrária à ida a um local de tratamento espiritual para que, quando isso ocorrer no dia do tratamento ou na hora de ir, a pessoa e seus familiares decidam ir de qualquer jeito, mesmo sentindo-se mal, mesmo com dor, mesmo achando que não vai adiantar. Outra tática utilizada pelos Espíritos influenciadores é o contrário, afastarem-se um pouco, liberarem os pensamentos da pessoa, fazerem-na sentir-se melhor, dar a impressão de que houve uma grande e súbita melhora, fazendo com que a pessoa ou seus familiares acreditem que não precisa mais ir ao tratamento, mas, não indo, logo em seguida volta tudo ao que era antes.

4. Como quem ouve vozes é um médium e não um doente, é obrigatório que passe a frequentar o local espiritual de sua preferência assiduamente, pois embora a Energia Divina e a presença dos Seres Espirituais superiores esteja em todos os lugares, nesses locais está mais concentrada e frequentar periodicamente um Centro, uma Igreja, um Templo, participar das sessões, assistir palestras, receber bençãos, passes, transmissões fluídicas, escutar boas palavras, bons conselhos, boas orientações, traz um bom ou ótimo resultado não só para a pessoa mas também para seu (s) acompanhante (s) invisível (eis).

5. Embora os medicamentos químicos não tenham capacidade de fazer com que uma pessoa pare de ouvir vozes, pois elas não vêm de seu cérebro e sim de fontes externas, algumas vezes são recomendáveis para que diminua a angústia, a depressão, a instabilidade emocional, a insônia. A internação somente é recomendável se houver um risco de morte para a pessoa (suicídio) ou para outras pessoas (homicídio), se não, piora o quadro pois reforça o diagnóstico de “doença”, de ser um doente, o que é totalmente contrário ao Tratamento que estamos aqui sugerindo.

Então, resumindo, o Tratamento para quem ouve vozes de Espíritos é fazer com que saia da condição passiva de doente, de louco, de vítima, de incapaz, para uma condição positiva, ativa, de assumir a sua mediunidade, conversar com o (s) Espírito (s) que lhe acompanha (m), saber o que ele (s) quer (em), se for algo do passado, pedir perdão, propor-se a ajudar esse (s) irmão (s) desencarnado (s), não atender seus conselhos de beber, fumar, usar drogas, quebrar coisas, atentar contra sua vida ou de outras pessoas, aprumar-se, erguer a sua cabeça e a sua coluna, desabrochar seu Guerreiro (a) interno (a), desenvolver sua autoestima, frequentar locais espiritualizados, realizar um Tratamento com a finalidade de resolver essa questão, incluindo beneficiando o (s) ser (es) que lhe acompanha (m), em seguida estudar, disciplinar e desenvolver a sua mediunidade, atender em um local espiritualista para ajudar irmãos e irmãs que estejam passando pelo que passou. Os medicamentos psiquiátricos mais leves como um calmante ou um sonífero podem ser utilizados mas os chamados “anti-psicóticos”, que, na verdade, são calmantes poderosos que servem apenas para desacelerar o cérebro, são contra-indicados, a não ser em casos extremos, pelo tempo necessário, enquanto é realizado, concomitantemente, o Tratamento aqui sugerid

* Espírito é uma denominação religiosa para o nosso Eu energético, o que nos move, movimenta o nosso cérebro, o coração, todo o nosso organismo, todas as nossas funções vitais, nos faz ter pensamentos, sentimentos, movimentos, enfim, podemos comparar esse Eu energético ao motorista de um automóvel e o nosso corpo físico, ao automóvel. Por ser chamado de “Espírito”, criou um preconceito quase intransponível junto ao meio científico oficial que rotula a isso de “um assunto religioso”, quando, na verdade, é o prenúncio da Ciência do futuro, em que a Física sobrepujará a Química.

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Persona-Version X Spirit-Version

Reasoning X Counter-Reasoning

We, the reincarnationist psychotherapists, who have been working with the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, the Therapy of the Inner Reform, have also been listening to people’s life stories and childhoods, stories that are permeated by sorrow, anger, criticism, fear, insecurity, feelings of rejection etc. We can say that they are merely stories created by our personae. The stories we read when we were kids, the stories we continue to read while we are adolescents, adults or elders, which are interpretations of our Egos, limited approaches of how we see ourselves and how we see others, including our family and other people who entered or passed through our lives.

In other words: each one of us, since we are children, learns that we are certain people from certain families, certain sexual genders, particular skin colors, from places, from countries etc. We spend our entire lives believing in it, especially because all the other people have the same beliefs about themselves. Even the therapists we see also have the same beliefs about themselves; therefore, they will have no doubts about the subject when it comes to their patients.

Yet, what most people do not realize, or do not remember, even the ones who believe in reincarnation, is that if they were to think about who they were and where they were at the time before their conception, their gestational lives, up there in the Astral Plane, when they were not a person, didn’t belong to any family, had no sexual gender, had no skin color (not even skin...), a definite place, a particular country etc., i.e., if we all could recall where we were one year before our conception, we would remember that we were a Spirit in the Spiritual World, in the period between lives, coming from our previous incarnations, preparing to return to earth, to incarnate again to continue our karmic journeys, to return to the Light, the Perfection, the One, the All.

If we were not what we think we are, the way we know and see ourselves and others, consequently, the reasoning is that we have been immersed in what Eastern people refer to as Maya, the Illusion. What is it? It means that everything is real, but it is temporary, it is true, but is temporary, it seems permanent but is not. Therefore, if it is temporary, transitory or impermanent, then it cannot really be real and true, so we may say that it is an illusory reality or an illusion that is apparently true.

Reincarnationist believers know about it, but do not to remember it with the intensity and frequency that the subject deserves. And why does this issue deserve a further study and a more meticulous attention than it is commonly given? Because this is a concept that we, Reincarnationist Psychotherapists, call “Reasoning X Counter-Reasoning.” In other words, the non-reincarnationist reasoning about our lives, our childhoods, our families and other people who are part of our stories, and the  reincarnationist reasoning of it all, completely opposite as a vision and an approach, in its interpretation and results.

So let's explain it better: a person comes to the 1st appointment to start a Reincarnationist Psychotherapy treatment, which consists of consultations and regression sessions and whose goal is to help this person find the reason of this reincarnation, the Inner Reform goals, and how to take advantage of this lifetime. This knowledge helps people achieve spiritual growth and the pleasant feeling of accomplishment after disincarnating and returning Home. This person tells us about him/herself, his/her life, what bothers him/her, the conflicts, the childhood, and we listen to the story, which, in 100% of the cases, is what we call " the illusory story of a persona”. This person is not telling us the real story; he/she is reporting what he/she knows about him/herself and everything else, how he/she read his/her childhood, how he/she reads his/her current life, how he/she sees people, and how he/she feels and interprets all these things. Usually, the reported story is impregnated with sorrow, feelings of rejection, anger etc.

Quite often, this person had already consulted other professionals, had told this story many times, not only to him/herself, but also to family and friends. They all listened and analyzed the story just like the person does: as something real and accurate.

But it is illusory… How illusory? Try to remember who you were one year before the fertilization of your gestational life. Why did your spirit need this childhood, this family, this father, this mother, these siblings? Also, why were you the oldest, 2nd, 3rd, the youngest, or the only child? Why did you need to be a male or female, beautiful or ugly, white or black, rich or poor etc.?

If all of us could do this imaginative exercise, we would at least start questioning ourselves and ponder on "Why?". Our present reasoning would begin to dismantle, to break up.  All those old convictions permeated with hurt and rejection, pain and suffering such as "My father didn’t like me!" or "I am so and so because I came from a very poor family, had many brothers and sisters, experienced hungry ...", will begin to modify to what we call the counter-reasoning. That is, the previous non-reincarnationist reasoning, created by the persona along with other personae, in a persona society, would begin to make room for a new reincarnationist rationale, based on the question  “why did our Spirits ‘asked’ for all of that?”.

The Reasoning X Counter-Reasoning issue is one of the fundamental bases of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, the Therapy of the Inner Reform. As it is based on Reincarnation, it deals with the Divine Laws that govern our incarnation and the people who are part of our lives: The Purpose Law, the Necessity Law, and the Deserving Law. The Purpose Law shows that our spirits go through situations starting from the gestational period; the Necessity Law shows why one needs to go through all these situations; and the Deserving law shows what one deserves to receive from the Universal Love, which is always right and fair, even when it seems wrong and unfair.

The main task of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy is to help people who are seeking treatment (and believe in Reincarnation) to free themselves from the illusory story of the personae, and to start searching for the true story, one of the Spirit. The first story, called "Reasoning", maintains people firmly linked to their negative feelings in a powerful and narrow way, which makes an actual cure of these feelings impossible. The second one, called "Counter-Reasoning”, shows that by changing the way one views and interprets the facts occurred during childhood (which are still embedded in the inner child), this individual would start to dissolve negative feelings. These feelings would gradually be weakened in such safe, gentle, profound and regenerator ways that, with these thinking changes, the negative feelings would disappear by themselves.

In the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy Training Course, students first learn to apply these teachings to themselves in order to get qualified to help others in the fundamental mission of placing the Ego in a superior control. They will learn how to withdraw the Ego’s supremacy, take badges and medals away and replace them with bandages and potions to heal the pain and sadness that were kept instead. In fact, such feelings created these circumstances. The Reincarnationist Psychotherapy is the therapy of the liberation of illusions, the liberation of the dominance of the ego, the self liberation as we come, again and again, life after life, watching ourselves and understanding, so that our Spirit can finally take command of our lives. However, in order to do so, it is mandatory that counter-reasoning overcomes and eliminates reasoning. Otherwise, we cannot liberate ourselves from the egoistic command, which imprisons us and where the pain, the feeling of rejection, anger, fear, the sense of inferiority, shyness and their equally illusory counterpoints, such as vanity, pride, authoritarianism, arrogance and pride reside.

There are two Therapeutic Pathways; there are two types of Therapies that can be performed:

1. The traditional one, the Therapy of the Ego and its illusions, which is doomed to a possible failure, since it is almost impossible to cure the illusions of an illusory structure.

2. The Therapy of the liberation of the Ego, which is the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy that aims to give the command of our thinking to our Higher Self, to our spirit, our Spiritual Mentors. It is through this therapy that it is possible and even easier to heal  inferiorities: we free ourselves from our Egos and the illusory vision of our life stories.

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Letter to Spiritist Centres and Federations

The Brazilian Association of Reincarnationist Psychotherapy expresses its deep concern about the way the Regression Therapy has been taken in Brazil and worldwide. This therapy has shown that is not a trend; it is well established and has been practiced by many physicians, psychologists and psychotherapists in Brazil and several other countries, which can be seen in publications, on the Internet, in Conferences and national and international Events of Past Life Regression (PLR).

Our biggest concern and challenge, which rightly complies with the major objection that comes from people related to spiritualism and Spiritist leaders about Past Life Regression, refers to the interference and infringement that some therapists of regression practice against a Divine Law: The Oblivion Law.

The method we use allows us to reconcile what seems irreconcilable: The Regression Therapy with the Oblivion Law. In this sense, we have been trying to get integrated with Spiritist Associations and Federations, aiming at a broad debate between Spiritism - and one of its essences, which is the respect to the Oblivion Law - and health professionals, practitioners, PLR instructors, directors and members of Associations and Institutes of Regression Therapy on this subject.

The Brazilian Association of Reincarnationist Psychotherapy has a deep respect for the Oblivion Law and it is one of its main guidelines; in other words, we perform regressions obeying the Oblivion Law, as it is stated in “The Spirits’ Book", regarding the “forgetfulness of the past ", in question 399.

“When a spirit has re-entered corporeal life, he experiences a temporary forgetfulness of his former existences, as though these were hidden from him by a veil. Sometimes, however, he preserves a vague consciousness of them, and they may, under certain circumstances, be revealed to him but this only occurs as a result of the decision of higher spirits, who spontaneously make that revelation for some useful end, and never for the gratification of idle curiosity.”

Our regressive Method faithfully obeys this determination. It consists of the following essential principles:

1st) The control of the regression (remembrance of the past) is entirely directed and chosen by the Spiritual Mentors of the person being assisted. Our psychotherapists do not induce, suggest, imply, hypnotize, command or drive the regressive process. Instead, they just help the person under treatment to relax the physical body (meditation), to be accessible by the person’s Spiritual Mentors, never directing the remembrance or deciding what the person will access. The psychotherapist disregards the person’s reasons for the consultation or (physical or psychological) complaints, the wishes and desires regarding past lives, and much less curiosity. The primary responsibility of the psychotherapist in our Method is in the initial phase (Meditation) while the past lives about to be accessed are completely at the discretion of the Spiritual World.

2nd) The Reincarnationist Psychotherapy does not encourage individuals to recognize people from their past lives, to not violate the Oblivion Law.

3rd) The person is encouraged to remember the past life their mentors have provided in that session. The person will recall the time of death, the disembodiment and the ascension to the spiritual world (the period between lives) and will be connected until all the resonances of the earthly life have disappeared and he/she feels very well (the Best Point).

4) Often, at the end of regression (the Best Point), the person receives guidance, advice, and meaningful instructions to benefit this current life.

The purpose of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy (the Therapy of the Inner Reform) is to help people through a treatment of a few months, with 1-hour weekly or biweekly consultations, and 3 or 4 regression sessions (two-hour sessions in average), to find what André Luiz calls the "Congenital Personality" in "Workers of the Life Eternal," p. 32-34, in a lecture by Dr. Barcelos, a deceased psychiatrist, in the book “The Astral City”:

“We must make the moralizing concept of the Congenital Personality - which undergoes gradual improvement - known around the world…Sigmund Freud theories, as well those of his followers, are lacking in the principles of reincarnation… Reincarnationist ideas will renew the landscape of life on earth, not only conferring upon individuals the weapons needed for their battle against their own inferior conditions, but also providing them with an effective healing remedy… Our human fellow spirits regrettably lack the knowledge of the transitory nature of the physical body, and the knowledge of eternal life, incurred debt and necessary redemption through many experiences…”

The concept of the Congenital Personality that Dr. Barcelos asks to be disclosed on earth is the personality of our past lives in the last centuries. It is the personality that we reveal from birth, it is what differentiates a sibling from another in the same family, and it is where the proposal for an Inner Reform is met and found.

That is the reason why he asks us to spread this notion on Earth and we follow his advice so that based on it, people will know the reason they reincarnate. This is the fundamental pillar of the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, and it is where we find our proposal for the Inner Reform, the purpose of this new School.

But how can we help people find their Congenital Personalities? It is through 2 or 3 regression sessions offered during treatment, in which their mentors choose the past lives to be accessed.

As if it were the spiritual world, where there is “a screen session” led by people’s mentors, here on earth we have the Regression, required to be controlled by the people’s mentors as well. According to the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy, the main purpose of the Regression is to create opportunities for people to see (on their mental screens) how their personalities and their ways of being in past incarnations were, to compare them to their personalities today. With this information, they will identify their inferiorities and imperfections carried all this time, understand the reasons for their reincarnations in the last centuries, and the reason they reincarnated this time, which is the proposal for the Inner Reform.

What differentiates the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy from the Past Life Therapy (PLT) is that PLT deals with emptying people’s past life emotions and feelings through the repetition of the traumatic facts, catharsis, reprogramming etc. On the other hand, the Reincarnationist Psychotherapy aims to go a little further: its goal is for people to find their congenital personalities and from that understanding uncover their proposals of the Inner Reform.

The Reincarnationist Psychotherapy is a new psychology based on Reincarnation, which is intended to assist in the acceleration of the spiritual evolution of humanity. In the period between lives, we remember why we had reincarnated in the last experience on earth, and the most spoken phrases there are, "Oh, if I had remembered ..." and "If  only I knew ..."

Well, it's time to remember here on earth, to know here, during this incarnation, why we reincarnate and what our proposal for an Inner Reform is, to really take advantage of this stay on earth towards a spiritual evolution.

It is important to emphasize that in cases of interpersonal karmic situations, in our regression method the mentors do not show what happened between parents and children, brothers and sisters etc. in past lives; i.e. people’s curiosity to know what they were or who their father, mother, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, children in past lives were. The mentors’ main focus is the Congenital Personality, that is, for people to see themselves how they were in their accessed past lives, according to the guidance of Dr. Barcelos.

We thank you for your attention. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

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